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Reiki Certification Classes
I personally teach all my classes sharing with you my own experiences and knowledge as a Master Reiki Practitioner for over 5 years.
You will learn the Usui Reiki method, the original Reiki lineage from Dr. Mikao Usui. Usui Reiki is divided into 3 levels, called Reiki Level 1, Level 2, and Master Level or Level 3. Each level introduces you to specific tools necessary to perform the healing. They are also designed to help you heal on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.
At the end of each class, you will be attuned to the Reiki energy. Attunement is a simple sacred ceremony performed by a Reiki master where the master connects the student to the Universal Life Force Energy that is Reiki. To become a Reiki practitioner, you must receive an attunement from a Reiki Master.
Classes and attunements can be online or in person. Your choice.
As you practice this gentle energy healing technique your spirituality and intuition grow. In just a couple of hours, you can obtain the skills to use Reiki for yourself, your family, friends, and pets!
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Reiki Level 1 Class
Trust your intuition and embark on a new life journey.
In-person or virtual. 4 hours. $333
Spiritually, the number 333 represents the spiritual trinity, the balance between body, mind, and soul. It is a call from the universe to commit yourself to both your personal and spiritual development.
We start this class by discussing what is energy, chakras, and how the energy flows in a body. Then we move to the history of the Usui Reiki, Reiki Principles, the position of the hands, and how Reiki works. At the end of the class, you will receive a Level 1 attunement which awakens you to the Reiki energy. Reiki Level 1 is taught to heal on the physical level. This is Usui Reiki, the original lineage.
In addition to the class manual and level 1 certificate, you will also receive:
How to Prepare & Perform a Reiki Session
Step-by-step Grounding Exercise
How to Protect Your Energy Guideline
But the learning doesn't stop after class! Join our monthly Reiki Shares (in-person or virtual) to practice Reiki, connect with fellow practitioners, and keep growing on your Reiki journey – all included with your Level 1 class!
Preparation is required. Please register at least 48 hours prior to the class date.
Reiki Level 2 Class
Your Spiritual Growth.
In-person or virtual. 4 hours. $444
Spiritually, the number 444 tells us that you have a powerful connection with the angels and the angelic realm and that you can trust the guidance they are giving you.
This class is designed for those who have completed the Usui Reiki Level 1 training course. You will learn the three Reiki sacred symbols and distance treatment techniques and receive the Level 2 attunement. After the class, you will be able to send energy healing to anyone anywhere in the world or across the room where you are. Reiki Level 2 is taught to heal on a mental and emotional level. This is Usui Reiki, the original lineage.
In addition to the class manual and level 2 certificate, you will also receive:
Comprehensive guidelines on how to perform a Reiki session for real clients
Reiki symbols cheat sheet
But the learning doesn't stop after class! Join our monthly Reiki Shares (in-person or virtual) to practice Reiki, connect with fellow practitioners, and keep growing on your Reiki journey – all included with your Level 2 class!
Preparation is required. Please register at least 48 hours prior to the class date.
Proof of level 1 training completion is required.
Reiki Level 3 Master Class
Spiritual Enlightenment.
In-person or virtual. 5 hours. $611
Spiritually, the number 611 means spirituality, new beginnings, connections, and that you are on the right path.
This class is open to all Usui Reiki practitioners who have been attuned to Usui Reiki Levels 1 and 2, have been practicing Reiki for at least 6 months, and are now ready to take the next step. Becoming a Usui Reiki Master is a lot of responsibility as after the class you will be able to initiate and attune others to the Reiki energy. Prior to this class, a video call with the Reiki Master Instructor is required to evaluate the candidate's deep understanding of the energy healing techniques and commitment to the healing practice. This is Usui Reiki, the original lineage.
You will learn Reiki Third Degree Master Symbol, its meaning, and its application. How to initiate others into Reiki, the attunement process, and how to attune others.
In addition to the Level 3 manual and Master certificate, you will also receive:
Reiki practice guidelines that will help you start your business
Business and marketing advice to successfully promote your practice
But the learning doesn't stop after class! Join our monthly Reiki Shares (in-person or virtual) to practice Reiki, connect with fellow practitioners, and keep growing on your Reiki journey – all included with your Level 3 class!
Preparation is required. Please register at least 48 hours prior to the class date.
Reiki Booster Attunements
At-your-home Reiki healing session for people with limited mobility.
60 min. $150
After a Reiki Attunement, you stay connected to the source of Reiki for the rest of your life and can channel the energy whenever needed. Reiki attunements are powerful and normally one attunement is sufficient for each level. You can receive additional attunements (Booster Attunements) to levels already received. This is especially beneficial for someone who discontinued Reiki practice for a prolonged period of time and wishes to restart the practice.
You must be at least a Reiki level 1 to receive a Booster attunement.
Proof of completion of Reiki Level 1, 2, or 3 is required when booking a Reiki Booster Attunement.
Please see the cancellation and refund policy here.
Chakras & Body Healing Workshop
Healthy chakras, healthy body!
In-person or virtual. 90 min. $50. Minimum of 4 participants.
The chakra energy system is directly associated with our physical body, organs, and mind. In this 1.5-hour workshop, you will learn the connection between a physical problem, how it affects the chakras, and how to cleanse and balance the energies of the chakras for a healthier life.
No specific skills are required. Anyone can attend this workshop, and it is highly recommended for Reiki beginners, as it will help to identify issues and promote fast healing.
See the cancellation and refund policy here.
Please arrive no earlier than five minutes before your booked workshop time.
Working with Pendulum Workshop
Divination - Dowsing - Spiritual Guidance
In-person or virtual. 90 min. $50. Minimum of 4 participants.
Did you know that you can use a pendulum to find a lost pet? Or to identify food allergies?
Join us for this fun interactive and insightful 1.5-hour workshop. A pendulum can be used for many different purposes including scanning chakras energy and yes/no questions. Anyone can attend this class and if you are a lightworker and haven't experienced yet working with a pendulum don't miss this opportunity.
In this class you will learn:
What is pendulum dowsing used for
Types of pendulums and how to choose the best one for you
Different ways to use a pendulum
How to connect with the energy of your guides through the pendulum
How to use a pendulum for energy healing and chakra balancing
How to use pendulum tables
How to receive answers to questions about many different topics in life
How to cleanse and care for your pendulum
Crystal pendulums are available for sale at $10 each. Contact me if you are interested in buying one prior to the workshop.
The learning continues after the course! Join our monthly Pendulum Practice Sessions (offered in-person or virtually) to refine your skills, connect with fellow Pendulum users, and ask questions. Keep exploring the world of pendulums with our supportive community – all included with your Working with Pendulum Workshop!
See the cancellation and refund policy here.
Please arrive no earlier than five minutes before your booked workshop time..