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In-Person Reiki Session


Bring back that greater inner peace you were born with.

60 min. $125  |  3-session package $360  |  5-session package $570

Click here to learn more about Reiki.

Feeling stressed, anxious, worried? Experiencing brain fog or health issues?
A 60-minute intuitive energy healing session (Reiki) brings you back to a peaceful state of mind and gives you an overall feeling of relaxation and well-being. It removes negative blockages from your chakras (energy centers) and brings your mind-body-soul into balance. 

To purchase a package, select "Buy a Package" at checkout, after selecting your appointment date.

Please see the cancellation and refund policy here.
In-home studio is located in Westlake Village, CA. The exact address will be sent via email along with your booking confirmation. Please arrive no earlier than five minutes before your booked appointment time.

Click here for Chakra Balancing Session

Virtual Reiki Session

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Release stress and anxiety in the comfort of your home.

Video call. 45 min. $80

Energy goes beyond time and space. If you believe in energy healing and have the intention to be healed, you will feel good and balanced after this session. We will start with you sharing your intention for the healing and after that, I will guide you through the relaxation and healing steps. Remember, where intention goes energy flows. Namaste!

Please see cancellation and refund policy here.

Please join the call no earlier than five minutes before your booked appointment time.

Click here for Theta Healing Session

Reiki Session + Crystal Healing

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Boost your energy healing session with crystal healing therapy.

90 min. $150

In a crystal healing session, we will use crystals to align and cleanse the chakras and help you connect with your inner peace. These sessions help release built-up emotional pain and trauma that is stored in the energetic body and help bring overall balance and alignment to the spiritual and physical body. By placing the right stones on the grounding points of your body, known as the chakras system, the crystals' frequencies resonate with the energy of your chakras promoting a sense of inner peace while assisting in the release of blockages allowing the energy to flow freely. This session allows you to deeper connect to your third eye points, or your intuitive mind, and grants access to check-in and see what is going on with the energetic body and what might be affecting your physical body.

Please see cancellation and refund policy here.

Please arrive no earlier than five minutes before your booked appointment time.

Reiki Session + Chromotherapy

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Boost your energy healing session with color light therapy.

90 min. $150

Chromotherapy or Color Light Therapy has its roots in ancient times. This integrative healing technique uses the power of the rainbow colors to help treat physical and mental health. Colored light causes subtle changes in our moods and biology. It establishes balance and harmony between body, mind, and emotions, promoting our body’s own healing process and improving the quality of life. 
Each color has its specific therapeutic function and acts on a chakra or an organ of the human body. 
Color Light Therapy enhances your Reiki session by improving your overall health. It’s commonly used to treat headaches, seasonal affective disorder, acute and chronic pain, and general mood.

Please see cancellation and refund policy here.

Please arrive no earlier than five minutes before your booked appointment time.

Reiki Abundance Flush Empowerment


Clear blockages and attract prosperity with Reiki.

45 min. $75

Deep down, we all deserve to experience the abundance life has to offer. But sometimes, limiting beliefs and unseen energetic blocks hold us back from achieving financial success and true fulfillment.

The Reiki Abundance Flush Empowerment can help you break free.

This powerful system, inspired by the ancient healing practice of Reiki, offers a gentle yet profound approach to removing these limitations. Through gentle energy transmissions, we'll work together to clear negative thoughts and energies surrounding abundance, allowing you to:

- Shift your mindset: From feeling limited to embracing the vast potential for abundance in your life.
- Unlock your inner power: Tap into your inner strength and confidence to navigate the world of abundance with ease.
- Attract positive experiences: Open yourself up to new opportunities and relationships that support your journey towards financial success and fulfillment.

This is NOT a full Reiki Session. It's recommended for the ones familiar with Reiki.

Please see cancellation and refund policy here.

Please arrive no earlier than five minutes before your booked appointment time.

Reiki Session + Abundance Empowerment

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Boost your energy healing session with abundance empowerment.

80 min. $150

Enhance your Reiki session with the Reiki Abundance Flush Empowerment, a powerful tool to clear limiting beliefs and unlock your potential for prosperity and fulfillment.
This powerful system offers a gentle yet profound approach to removing these obstacles. Through attunements (gentle energy transmissions), we'll work together to clear negative thoughts and energies surrounding abundance, allowing you to:
- Shift your mindset: From feeling limited to embracing the vast potential for abundance in your life.
- Unlock your inner power: Tap into your inner strength and confidence to navigate the world of abundance with ease.
- Attract positive experiences: Open yourself up to new opportunities and relationships that support your journey towards financial success and fulfillment.

Please see cancellation and refund policy here.

Please arrive no earlier than five minutes before your booked appointment time.

Reiki Session for Kids

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Help your child manage stress, sleep better, and find inner peace - naturally.

30-45 min. $70

Kids today face a complex web of emotional and mental pressures that can stem from various sources, such as school, social media, family, world events, and self-esteem.

If your children are facing mental and emotional challenges, Reiki can be beneficial to your children, as follows:
- Improved emotional regulation: Reiki can manage difficult emotions like anxiety, stress, frustration, and anger.
- Reduced hyperactivity: Reiki can promote relaxation and focus, potentially aiding children with hyperactivity or difficulty concentrating.
- Improved sleep: Reiki sessions may create a calming effect, potentially aiding children struggling with sleep issues.
- Enhanced self-esteem: Reiki sessions can foster a sense of well-being and inner peace which could contribute to improved self-esteem in children.

It's important to remember that holistic therapies often work gradually by promoting overall well-being and addressing the root cause of the issue over time. For better and faster results, a package of 3 sessions is recommended.
This 30-45 minute session special price is for children 7-14 years old.

Please see cancellation and refund policy here.

Please arrive no earlier than five minutes before your booked appointment time.

At-home Reiki Session

Reiki Treatment

At-your-home Reiki healing session for people with limited mobility.

At the client's place. 60 min. $200

This at-your-home session is a convenient way to expedite the healing process for after-surgery patients and any other health conditions that make it impossible for the person to leave their house but can still benefit from energy healing.
This session fee is for clients living within 20 miles of Thousand Oaks, CA.
A phone call prior to the session is required.

Please see cancellation and refund policy here.

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